Social Issue Blog


What is your social issue?
Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic?
What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution?
What are pros to your solution?
What are cons to your solution?

My social issue that I choose was polygamy and for those who don’t know what polygamy is , it is when you have more than one wife. The reason why I choose this topic was because I  thought it was very intersecting and I knew other people went going to research  this topic. Some might disagree with this topic is because  some believe that men  should only have one wife and commit themselves to only one woman.  My proposal is to have them have one wife and my reasoning is because if you add a new wife then a lot of jealousy can happen and a wife might do something she cant come back from. Now some of my pros of polygamy was by being in it you have a large family and a huge support system if you have any problems and financially need help.  On the other hand some of my cons where you can experience child abuse and some people who are in polygamy do commit fraud and could face jail time .


Question : What is your stance on polygamy ?

Question : Would you ever agree to be in a polygamist relationship?

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